大型FX系列 – 超过2000种独特的音效 Lucid Samples Large FX Collection

图片[1]-大型FX系列 – 超过2000种独特的音效 Lucid Samples Large FX Collection-后期素材库

Large FX Collection 是原始和无与伦比的 SFX 声音的巨大集合!在这个非常庞大和高质量的收藏中,您会发现超过 2300 个美妙的样本,它们可以成功地用于广泛的音乐制作。独特而罕见的音效使音乐具有原创性和个性。毫无疑问,它们可以用来创造许多不同的音乐氛围,从而释放想象力和情感。我们特别向那些想要为他们的音乐添加一点创新和多样性的人,以及那些想要放弃平庸的方案并打开一个新的声音世界的人推荐这个系列。Large FX Collection 在这方面是一个非常有趣的提议。



  • 153 环境光
  • 10 钟声
  • 344 俱乐部-出神
  • 73 黑暗效果
  • 157电子
  • 140 淡入
  • 188淡出
  • 286 次点击
  • 77 激光
  • 55噪音
  • 98反转
  • 219 从头开始
  • 281短音
  • 22特别
  • 36合成器
  • 190 种声音


  • 10 Bassdown 金曲
  • 40首低音鼓
  • 23 拍击
  • 91 首 Club-Trance 金曲
  • 17 崩溃命中
  • 53 黑暗打击
  • 11 首电子精选
  • 13首吉他精选
  • 08喇叭
  • 07 管弦乐精选
  • 13 次军鼓打击


  • 32 环境噪音
  • 10 Club-trance 噪音
  • 13 工业噪音


  • 46 Club-trance 反转
  • 10 崩溃反转
  • 21暗反转
  • 21短反转


  • 45黑暗的声音
  • 33怪异的声音
  • 112 声音

总共 – 2329 sfx 声音

Large FX Collection is a huge collection of original and unparalleled SFX sounds! In this extraordinarily big and high quality collection you’ll find over 2300 fantastic samples which can be successfully used in broadly comprehended music production. Characteristic and rare sound effects make the music original and with character. Undoubtedly they can be used to create many different music ambiences which free imagination and emotions. We recommend this collection specially to those who want to add a little bit of innovativeness and variety to their music, to those who want to abandon commonplace schemes and open to a new world of sounds. Large FX Collection is a very interesting proposition in this respect.

The whole collection is divided into intuitive categories which facilitate searching for certain sound effects types. We encourage you to listen to the demo and we wish you a fantastic music experience.

Content of Large Fx Collection:

  • 153 Ambient
  • 10 Bells
  • 344 Club-Trance
  • 73 Dark FX
  • 157 Electronic
  • 140 Fade in
  • 188 Fade out
  • 286 Hits
  • 77 Lasers
  • 55 Noise
  • 98 Reverse
  • 219 Scratch
  • 281 Short Sounds
  • 22 Special
  • 36 Synths
  • 190 Voices

Hit effects are divided into

  • 10 Bassdown Hits
  • 40 Bassdrum Hits
  • 23 Clap Hits
  • 91 Club-Trance Hits
  • 17 Crash Hits
  • 53 Dark Hits
  • 11 Electronic Hits
  • 13 Guitar Hits
  • 08 Horns
  • 07 Orchestral Hits
  • 13 Snare Hits

Noise effects are divided into

  • 32 Ambient Noises
  • 10 Club-trance Noises
  • 13 Industrial Noises

Reverse effects are divided into

  • 46 Club-trance Reverse
  • 10 Crash Reverse
  • 21 Dark Reverse
  • 21 Short Reverse

Voices effects are divided into

  • 45 Dark Voices
  • 33 Freak Voices
  • 112 Voices

In total – 2329 sfx sounds

大型FX系列 – 超过2000种独特的音效 Lucid Samples Large FX Collection
下载方式百度网盘 , 夸克网盘,OneDrive
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