250个破坏失真混合动作预告片音效包 Epic Stock Media – Annihilation Movie Trailer

图片[1]-250个破坏失真混合动作预告片音效包 Epic Stock Media – Annihilation Movie Trailer-后期素材库

Annihilation Movie Trailer 以破坏、失真、混合音调元素和动作片预告片声音设计为重点。Annihilation Movie Trailer 融合了这些风格,创造了一个真正独特的整体声音调色板,在整个图书馆都能听到。在进行后期制作时,Annihilation Movie Trailer 很快就会成为您的音频库的“首选”补充,因为您可以获得如此多的可靠资产,这些资产在各种情况下都是通用的。在里面,您会发现并听到充满激情的手工制作、丰富和标志性的样本,并带有现代预告片的声音感觉。

UCS 兼容 & Soundminer 元数据

所有音效标签均符合 UCS 标准并按类别组织,以便更轻松地使用易于理解的文件夹结构进行导航:Braaams​​、Bass Drops、Hits – Dystopian、Electricity、Fire、Glass、Metallic、Stone、Water、Riser、Swells 和 Tails . 在 UCS 之上,Annihilation Movie Trailer 使用 soundminer 元数据在文件中嵌入了大量元数据,以帮助您在正确的时间找到正确的声音。


所有 250 个声音文件旨在让您的生活更轻松,制作工作流程更快,并以 96kHz/24 位 .WAV 文件格式提供,以保持一流的音频保真度。此外,还提供了整个系列的 44.1k 16 位 .WAV 版本,因此您无需转换文件。Annihilation Movie Trailer 的预混音频已准备好拖放到您的游戏或电影中。只需选择最适合您项目的格式,让您的作品听起来很棒!


  • 250个电影预告音效
  • 1.95 GB 的电影预告片音频样本
  • 全部采用 96k 24 位 WAV
  • 包括整个库的多种格式:96kHz/24bit .WAV & 44.1k 16bit .WAV
  • 包括嵌入式 Soundminer 元数据
  • 符合 UCS 标准
  • 56 分钟的史诗级音频
  • 12 布拉姆斯
  • 10 个低音滴
  • 20 次点击 – 反乌托邦
  • 30次命中——电
  • 30 次命中 – 开火
  • 10 次命中 – 玻璃
  • 25 次点击 – 金属
  • 20 次命中 – 石头
  • 8 连击 – 水
  • 55升
  • 13 膨胀
  • 17条尾巴

Epic Sonic Expression

Annihilation Movie Trailer bursts with a focus on destruction, distortion, hybrid tonal elements and action film trailer sound design. Annihilation Movie Trailer, blends these styles to create a truly unique overall sonic palette heard throughout the library. Annihilation Movie Trailer quickly becomes a “go to” addition to your audio arsenal when working in post production because you get so many solid assets that are versatile in all sorts of situations. Inside you’ll find and hear passionately hand crafted, rich & signature samples laced with modern day trailer sounding feels.

UCS Compliant & Soundminer Metadata

All sound effects labeling is UCS compliant & is organized into categories to make it easier to navigate with understandable folder structures: Braaams, Bass Drops, Hits – Dystopian, Electricity, Fire, Glass, Metallic, Stone, Water, Risers, Swells, and Tails. On top of UCS, Annihilation Movie Trailer features extensive metadata embedded in the files using soundminer metadata to help you find the right sound at the right time.

Includes Entire Library In Multiple Formats

All of the 250 sound files are designed to make your life easier, production workflow faster and delivered in 96kHz/24bit .WAV file format to maintain top-notch audio fidelity. Plus, a 44.1k 16 Bit .WAV version of the entire collection is provided so you never need to convert files. Annihilation Movie Trailer’s premixed audio is ready to drag and drop into your game or film. Simply choose the format that suits your project best and let your production sound great!

Product details:

  • 250 movie trailer sound effects
  • 1.95 GB of cinematic trailer audio samples
  • All in 96k 24bit WAV
  • Includes multiple formats of the entire library: 96kHz/24bit .WAV & 44.1k 16bit .WAV
  • Includes embedded Soundminer metadata
  • UCS Compliant
  • 56 minutes of epic audio
  • 12 braaams
  • 10 bass drops
  • 20 hits – dystopian
  • 30 hits – electricity
  • 30 hits – fire
  • 10 hits – glass
  • 25 hits – metallic
  • 20 hits – stone
  • 8 hits – water
  • 55 rises
  • 13 swells
  • 17 tails
  • All sound effects are youtube friendly & 100% royalty free
  • RTU-OTB (Ready to be used out of the box)
250个破坏失真混合动作预告片音效包 Epic Stock Media - Annihilation Movie Trailer-后期素材库
250个破坏失真混合动作预告片音效包 Epic Stock Media – Annihilation Movie Trailer
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